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Identifying Signs of the Birthright Promises among Abrahams Descendents
1. Descendants to become "great."And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing: Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? a) Israel disappeared from history in 721 B.C. 2. Descendents of Abraham to become many nations.Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her. a) The promises are expanded to show that not just one nation of Israel, but many nations would come from Abraham. 3. Descendants to become a great nation and a greater company of nations.And God said to him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a multitude of nations shall spring from you, and kings shall come out of your loins ...he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. a) The prophecies are further expanded to show specifics--one great nation and a multitude of nations. 4. Descendants to be exceedingly fruitful.And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall your seed also be numbered. And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth... The descendants of Israel would have to number in the hundreds of millions at least to be like the dust of the earth. 5. Descendants to spread to every area of the Earth....and you shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in you and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall: This was never fulfilled with ancient Israel and only in the latter centuries with the world-wide expansion of the English-speaking peoples. From Palestine spreading all over the Earth to all directions you find England, Canada, the United States, South Africa, Australia, etc. Specifically the focus is narrowed to the descendants of Joseph--Ephraim and Manasseh. What a perfect description of the English-speaking peoples and their global expansion of the last two centuries. 6. To be undefeatable as they inherit and possess the birthright blessing.God brought him out of Egypt; he had as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows. ...whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. While continuing to follow God, no nation on Earth would defeat the descendants of Abraham. Great Britain and the United States have never been defeated in any war in the last two hundred years. 7. Descendants to be like a lion.Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain. He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesses you, and cursed is he that curses you. Great Britain and the United States have acted as a lion in the last two World Wars. The lion and the unicorn (a biblical symbol for Joseph-Deut. 33:17) are even on the Coat of Arms of Great Britain. 8. Descendants to have control of the world's oceans.He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters... During the 19th century, Great Britain scattered her seed all over the islands of the world's oceans as Britannia ruled the waves. In the 20th century, the United States Navy became supreme. 9. Israel to have great agricultural wealth.And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven with the dew... ...the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. A land wherein you shall eat bread without scarceness... The nations that descendant from Israel, specifically Canada and the United States, have been the breadbasket for the world with vast agricultural lands. 10. Descendants of Israel to safely dwell in isolation.Israel then shall dwell in safety alone... The United States, Canada, and Australia have never been invaded because of geographical isolation. Contrast this to the nations of Europe which have had invading armies back and forth for millennia. 11. Descendants to have great mineral wealth....you shall not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you may dig brass. The United States, Canada, Australia have had vast mineral wealth. Even Britain had iron ore and coal which was to fuel the Industrial Revolution. Contrast this to Japan which has almost nothing in raw materials. 12. Descendants to be feared and envied of all nations.This day will I begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you upon the nations under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of you, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of you. And all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of you. During the 19th century, Britain was feared and envied. That is how she could rule vast areas of the world such as India. During the 20th century, the whole world has looked on the United States with fear and envy. Everyone in the world wanted to have the wealth and power of the Americans. 13. Descendants to be the financial head of the world.For the LORD your God blesses you, as he promised you: and you shall lend unto many nations, but you shall not borrow; ...and you shall lend unto many nations, and you shall not borrow. In the 19th century Britain, and in the 20th century the United States, were the financial kingpins of the world. Up until a few decades ago, the United States was the world's greatest creditor nation. 14. Descendants to reign over many nations....and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. This was especially true in the British Empire. Britain ruled over many nations. At the end of WW II, the United States was the supreme superpower,and in effect reigned over all nations. No nations has ever reigned over Britain or the United States since they inherited the Birthright! 15. Descendants to possess the gate of their enemies....and your [Abraham's] seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. Every major sea and land gate in the world, from the Panama Canal, to Gibraltar, to Suez, to Aden, to the Strait of Malacca, to the Khyber Pass, to name but a few, were all under the control of the descendants of Abraham--the United States and ESPECIALLY Great Britain. 16. Israel to live in the islands and coastlines of the Earth.Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength... Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, you people, from far... ...the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust. Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth... Hear the word of the LORD, O you nations, and declare it in the isles afar off... The chief nation of Israel, Ephraim, dwells in the isles, and the massive coastlines of North America and Australia belong to the descendants of Joseph--Ephraim and Manasseh. Also the other tribes of Israel inhabit coastal areas of Scandinavia. 17. Israel was to be the preserver of the Word of God.He showed his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He has not dealt so with any nation... As for me, this is my covenant with them, says the LORD; My spirit that is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed, nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed, says the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. God gave his Word, The Bible, to Israel and they have preserved it. The English-speaking peoples are the main evangelists and publishers of the scriptures, which was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. The reason why the English-speaking people publish more Bibles than anyone is that they are the descendants of Abraham! 18. Israel was to be a people following Christ.A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. Him [Christ] God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. The English-speaking nations call themselves Christian. They are not Muslim, nor Hindu, nor Buddhist, as are the vast majority of the world's population. The Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples show a definite spiritual lineage back to Abraham, even though outwardly they have lost their physical identity and heritage. 19. Israel was to be kind to the poor of the land.If there be among you a poor man of one of your brethren within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother: For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command you, saying, You shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land. The English-speaking nations have tended to take care of their poor in contrast to the way the poor are treated in many other nations of the world. 20. Israel was to be a blessing to the other nations of the world....and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed. Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed... ...and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. ...and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass.... Even though the main fulfillment is yet future under the millennial rule of Jesus Christ, the world has been blessed (in limited type) by the descendants of Abraham. Whenever the word "remnant" is used in prophecy, it refers to the time of the end-- now! . Modern Israel, and especially the descendants of Joseph--the Engish-speaking peoples, have been a blessing, like dew on the grass, to the rest of the world. They have supplied massive food and monetary aid which has prevented disasters in other nations. It was also Joseph who saved the world from Axis domination in WW II, and helped to rebuild Europe and Japan afterwards. |
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